Malta’s history is fascinating; it goes back to 4000 years BC. In the past few years, it gained new popularity thanks to Game of Thrones, but way back in 1980 it was a set for another masterpiece.
The Popeye Village was built in 1980 for the live-action musical film Popeye, with beloved, late Robin Williams. Today, it is one of a kind amusement park, ideal for all ages.

Of course, kids will enjoy every inch of the place. , and then the real fun starts. Boat rides, trampolines, visit the Popeye the Comic Museum and take a break in a restaurant or coffee shop. The beaches are lovely, and the water is warm, while the prices are lower than expected. At least compared to Disneyland or similar parks.

It is a small park, so you don’t need to worry if you will get to see and experience everything in a day. With great animators and beautiful weather, you are going to feel like a child again, while learning more about Popeye, his crew and the actual movie. There are several plays; you get to see Popeye and Olive Oyl get married, sing-along to the Popeye theme song and even listen to some classical music with an adaptation of Figaro.
While summer will give you the best experience of the village, it gets magical during holidays, from Halloween to Easter and Christmas. It is a place for everyone who feels young at heart or wants to wake up the inner child.
To get to this unique place, you can rent a car or take a bus. It is approximately 25km away from Valletta, and the bus tickets are cheap, but you need to know the time table because if you miss the bus, you will have to wait for an hour.
Once you are done with Popeye or Sweethaven Village, you can start digging into Malta’s historical places. One of the main attractions is Mdina city, a beautiful city from the ancient view. Once you stepped through the gates, let yourself get lost in small, narrow, cobbled streets, churches, unique atmosphere. It truly feels like you are walking back in time.

Malta is one of those places everyone knows as breathtaking, yet it is not as popular as some other islands. Valletta offers a decent nightlife; the food is quite interesting, because it is a mixture of Italian, Spanish and British cuisine, and the locals are polite and very aware of their heritage and the history that’s far from dull. Nature is mesmerizing, so it is safe to say that it will satisfy all your needs, from entertainment to beautiful beaches, out of this world caves, to history lessons.